Liberate 2022

6  Phases of in~depth virtual creative experience

 I'll teach you everything I know from building the framework to refining your vision, spread design cohesion and mastering the execution, so that you can create a book that sings with your authentic voice. 


 ✅ Shape your story for your readers

~ Creating your unique story, take your readers on a journey. An essential training with writing coach Ann Sheybani so that people never want to put your book down. 


✅ Copyright Help from a lawyer

 What can I use in my book? A recorded q&a interview with copyright lawyer. 


✅ No Tech overwhelm 

Take your beautiful spreads and line art and step by step learn how to get them on the computer and adjust the in  Photoshop. Production mode! By Susie Lafond-Liberate 2019—Author of An Unfinished Child  How to Use InDesign for Pre-production - By Allison Davis Liberate 2019 Author of Altars of Light 

(Photoshop and inDesign are not required for this process, but some choose to use these programs. We have proved extra tutorials from published alumni who will walk you through their process) 


✅ The Art of Branding 

Discover how to untap your unique strengths, personality and skills to build a brand that makes you proud - and attracts the right people to your book. Get proven agency strategies that are DIY'd for easy implementation. With branding & marketing pro, Heather Campbell.  45 min presentation


✅ Video Marketing Magic:  How to Use Video to get Raving Fans of Your Book

… even if you’re uncomfortable on camera and have never made a video before! With video expert and coach~ Michelle Lange  90 minute presentation and Q&A


✅ 6 Months of Implementation support-

 Drop~in creative support sessions for 6 months with Sabrina and her mentoring team to offer invaluable feedback, stay connected and support your process (These sessions will rotate various days and times to accommodate  EU,  AU and US time zones)


TOTAL VALUE of Bonuses $83oo.oo